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Global Action for Children

Jacob Tremblay Shares His Experiences as an Advocate for Kindness

Photos: Courtesy of

Jacob Tremblay, star of the films “Room” and “Wonder,” talks about his reasons for “choosing kind” in his everyday life.

What does #Choosekind mean to you, and why is it so important?

To me, #Choosekind means that you should treat everyone with respect and kindness. Whether it’s doing a big act or something small, like a smile or compliment, it’s important because if you are kind, it could inspire others to do the same. It can be contagious and spread around the world. It’s a small thing we can do to make the world better.

What was your experience traveling to Kenya with WE? 

I had the opportunity to spend time in the Masai Mara in Kenya learning about the culture of the Masai and learning what the WE organization does to empower communities there. I got to spend a week in Kenya without any electronics and was able to spend the entire time thinking about other people and what I can do to help others. I learned to love the people in my life more and love a community so different from my own.

What are some of your favorite memories from working with WE? 

Of course, my WE trip to Kenya is something special that I will remember forever. I also love going to WE days and speaking to thousands of kids and encouraging them to choose kind. I was able to shoot a short film with Reel Start, a WE partner program that gives students from inner-city schools the opportunity to create films with powerful messages that can make a positive change in the world.

How has choosing kind made an impact on your life? 

Choosing kind has changed my life by making me a happier person. When I choose kind, it makes me feel good. I feel happier with myself and my choices and happier with the people in my life. This is a great lesson I will have with me for the rest of my life.

What was your biggest takeaway from playing Auggie in “Wonder”? 

The biggest lesson I learned from playing Auggie is that we are all different, and that is a good thing. Whether you have a facial difference, live with a disability or are different by race, religion or sexual orientation, we all want to be treated with respect and kindness.

What advice do you have for anyone looking to choose kind this Giving Tuesday and the holiday season?  

I would like to challenge everyone this Giving Tuesday and holiday season to discover how you want to choose kind. Whether you decide to help the environment, animals or others, it all starts with choosing kind.

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