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Global Action for Children

Why Building Better Homes Matters in Childhood Development

Somewhere, in your community, a mother dreams of reading her children a bedtime story, imagining that she tucks them in and turns out the light in their room as they fall asleep.

Somewhere, in a community not so different from yours, a father holds his breath, knowing that his son is sick because their roof leaks or because the mold throughout their home makes it harder for the child to breathe.

Habitat for Humanity helps families like these build and repair houses because we believe that everyone deserves a decent place to call home. Every child deserves the chance to thrive. Every community deserves the strength and stability that follow when residents have affordable places to live and when neighborhoods thrive.

And every home is a building block to that brighter tomorrow.

Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. In the process, they are empowered to overcome the barriers that so often stand between them and better, more financially stable lives.

Better, more affordable housing leads to stronger childhood development and creates the ability — and financial flexibility — for a family to make forward-looking choices. Children do better in school and see improved graduation rates. Families achieve improved physical and mental health. Stability allows homeowners to make investments for the long-term. Families are in a better position to seize new and better opportunities.

With your help, families and communities can achieve strength, stability and self-reliance. From Colorado to Kenya, from Tennessee to Argentina, Habitat works alongside millions of homeowners, and we are committed to creating a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Donald Bonin, Senior Director, Organizational Outreach, Habitat for Humanity International, [email protected]

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