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5 Ways You Can Directly Help the #BlackLivesMatter Movement

Photo: Courtesy of munshots on Unsplash

It has been a week since George Floyd was killed by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Since this tragic incident, #BlackLivesMatter protests have once again popped up around the country with many demanding justice for Floyd, and the others who have lost their lives to police brutality, including Breonna Taylor.

It’s hard to remember that during this extremely tense period, we are still living amid the COVID-19 pandemic; not everyone may be in a position to join a protest. That is okay, because there are other ways you can get involved and do your part to help. Here’s how:

1. Make a donation to a city’s bail fund

The reality of protesting is that they can oftentimes end in arrest, which means that these people need to post bail. This is extremely costly; bonds can be up to $6,000. During this time where many have lost their jobs and income to COVID-19, that number is not something many can afford. Donating to a city’s bail fund, however small or large your donation might be, is an effective way to offer support. The following could use your help:

Atlanta Solidarity Fund

Brooklyn Bail Fund

Chicago Bail Fund

Houston Bail Fund

People’s City Council Freedom Fund

Philadelphia Bail Fund

Louisville Community Bail Fund

National Bail Out Donation

Reclaim the Block

The family of George Floyd has also put together a memorial fund, which is still accepting donations here.

2. Sign a petition

If you’re not in a situation where you can donate money, there is still a lot you can do to help. Signing petitions is a wonderful way to make an impact. The following are a list you can get started on:

Hands Up Act


#JusticeforFloyd Petition

Justice for George Floyd


Stand With Bre

3. Email representatives

Contacting the necessary representative is an especially effective way at bringing about change. We need to join together to ensure government officials make the necessary changes for justice. So where do you get started?

You can contact Minneapolis representatives at the following email addresses:

The following is an email template that you can use to send out:


My name is ______ and I am a resident of _____. I’m emailing today on behalf of the George Floyd case. I’m calling for the prosecution of Derek Chauvin #1087 and his partner Tou Thao #7162 to the fullest extent of the law and that you will not rest until that happens.

George Floyd was arrested under an implied, non-violent crime and bystanders claim that he never resisted his arrest. The approach that the officers chose to take was one that resulted in murder and must not be taken lightly.

Black Lives Matter.


Remember to also find the respective members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to send them this message as well.

4. Make phone calls

Phone calls are also a great way to get involved and put pressure on those to carry out justice. The family of Breonna Taylor is currently asking people to make calls on her behalf, which you can read more about here.

5. Send a text

Perhaps the easiest and quickest way to lend your support is to whip out your smart phone and start texting. The following are ways you can get involved:

  • TEXT JUSTICE TO 668366
  • TEXT FLOYD TO 55156
  • TEXT RESIST TO 50409
  • TEXT ENOUGH TO 55156

As allies, it’s important to do whatever is in your power to assist marginalized people and communities suffering at this time.

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