If you are looking to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, one of the most meaningful ways to get started is also one of the easiest: select products that have earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR label.

Brittney Gordon
ENERGY STAR Media Manager, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
From kitchen appliances to innovative heat pump technology, products that earn the label are independently certified to help your family save energy and money, all while helping to combat climate change. With ENERGY STAR, you can reduce your carbon footprint and get on the road to a clean energy future.
Did you know that the typical household spends nearly $1,900 each year on energy bills? With ENERGY STAR you can save 24 percent, or about $450, on your household energy bills and avoid more than 4,100 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions each year. There are many ways to achieve your energy-saving goals. Here are just a few:
Change out your lightbulbs
Do you still have any incandescent bulbs around the house? ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs use up to 90 percent less energy than standard bulbs and last 15 times longer.
Choose ENERGY STAR certified computer equipment
With most families using desktop computers, laptops, or tablets over the past year for work or school, the importance of saving energy with your home office equipment is more significant than ever. ENERGY STAR certified computers use about 25 percent less energy than standard notebook computers and about 40 percent less energy than standard desktop computers.
Get an ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostat
One of the easiest ways to save energy is with a smart thermostat. They take the guesswork out of your heating and cooling needs and automatically adjust temperatures based on your family’s preferences. The more you spend on heating and cooling, the more you could save — homes with high heating and cooling bills can save up to $100 a year.
Invest in heat pump technology
From water heaters to heating and cooling equipment, innovative heat pump technology is key to achieving the ultimate in energy savings. A certified heat pump water heater uses less than half the energy of a standard electric water heater. It can save a family of four about $320 in annual energy bills and more than $3,400 over its lifetime.
ENERGY STAR certified air source heat pumps are super-efficient and can be used for cooling and heating for year-round HVAC savings. Depending on your system, you can save about $600 on annual energy bills, and even more if you are replacing an electric system. There are also generous tax credits and rebates available.
Consider an ENERGY STAR certified EV charger
How you charge your electric vehicle can have a big impact on your daily energy usage. ENERGY STAR certified chargers require 40 percent less energy than standard models when in standby mode and are currently eligible for a federal tax credit of up to $300.
Leading a more sustainable lifestyle is easier than ever with ENERGY STAR. Learn how you can make your energy choices count at energystar.gov.