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The Power of Food Banks in the Fight Against Hunger

Photo: Courtesy of Kai Pilger

Diana Aviv

CEO, Feeding America

CEO, Feeding America

In America today, 1 in 8 people face hunger. It might be hard to believe that in the land of abundance, so many are in need, but hunger is a reality in our country. According to Feeding America’s “Map the Meal Gap” 2017 analysis, hunger exists in every single community in the U.S. — from the wealthiest to the poorest. That means that someone in your hometown, perhaps even someone you know, is struggling to get enough to eat.

A social issue

It’s unacceptable that people are facing hunger in a nation with more than enough food to go around. And not only is it unacceptable, but it hurts us all — hunger weakens communities by threatening people’s ability to reach their potential and fully contribute. 

Thankfully, where there is hunger, food banks are working hard to get food to people in need. These non-profits provide children with meals to fuel their growth, parents with groceries to fill the cupboards and seniors with the nutrition they need to stay strong.

A stronger nation

Through providing food, food banks do so much more than feed people — they help all members of a community receive the fuel they need to be their best. Developing our network of food banks is helping build stronger communities meal by meal.

It’s our goal to end hunger in our country, but we can’t do it alone; we need your help. Go online to locate your local food bank, find out more about hunger where you live and see how you can help. Working together, we can end hunger and create a better, stronger America for us all.

Diana Aviv, CEO, Feeding America, [email protected]

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